Lab - Containerize the App

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Now we want to containerize the Gochat app. If you are using the CLI on your own computer, you could use the docker command. However, if you are in the Wetty terminal, remember you are actually in a container. We could have exposed the container socket on the host to your Wetty container. However, this would break the security model.

Fortunately we can build from a Dockerfile using the oc command line tool. For those on your own computer, we recommend trying it this way as well.

Step 1 - Create a New Project

Create a new project for your containerized gochat application.

oc new-project gochat-container-userYOUR#

Step 2 - Build from Dockerfile

Start a new build from the Dockerfile in the gochat-container repository.

oc new-build -e CHAT_SERVER=gochat-server.gochat-server.svc.cluster.local:8080

Step 3 - Let’s Take a Pause

Watch the deployment

oc logs -f bc/gochat-client-container

Then ctrl-c once you’ve had enough.

Step 4 - Deploy from ImageStream

oc new-app gochat-client-container

Step 5 - Expose the Containerized Gochat App

oc expose svc gochat-client-container

Step 6 - Annotate the Service Account to Use OpenShift Authorization

As in the previous lab, we must annotate the service account for the Gochat Client to communicate to the OpenShift API for user credential verification.

oc annotate sa/default'{"kind":"OAuthRedirectReference","apiVersion":"v1","reference":{"kind":"Route","name":"gochat-client-container"}}' --overwrite
oc annotate sa/default --overwrite

Step 7 - Access the App

Go back to the OpenShift WebUI and click on the “gochat” URL.

Step 8 - Sign in to the App

Click the blue “Login” button.

Log in to the app with your OpenShift credentials. The workshop moderator will provide you with the URL, your username, and password.

Step 9 - Test the App

Send a message.

Step 10 - Celebrate


Step 11 - Logout

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